If you think costume contact lenses are scary, you’re right. But it isn’t because they can make you look like a ravenous zombie or a yellow-eyed banshee. Costume contact lenses can do serious damage to your eyes if not properly fitted and prescribed by an eye care professional.
Many people believe that contacts that don’t offer vision correction don’t require a prescription. Unfortunately, there are still a number of vendors providing costume contacts to individuals without one. This can be a losing combination for your eyes as improperly fitted contact lenses can cause a number of injuries, from an irritating and painful scratched cornea to vision loss.
Contact lenses seem like simple little pieces of flexible plastic, but they are actually precisely engineered to fit a variety of different eyes. Not all lens types are appropriate for everyone. It is critical that any lens — whether meant for vision correction or cosmetic purposes — be fitted by an eye health professional.
If cosmetic contacts are essential to your Halloween celebration, please get in touch with us for recommendations and a fitting. One night of fun is not worth long-term damage to your sight.